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প্রশিক্ষণ ও বিষয়কোড
ক্রমিক বিষয় বিষয় কোড
০১ Safety in Electrical Utility NBT001
০২ First Aid NBT002
০৩ Earthquake & Fire Fighting NBT003
০৪ Disaster Management NBT004
০৫ Transport Maintenance NBT005
০৬ Tools Maintenance NBT006
০৭ Basic Computer, internet & Intranet NBT007
০৮ Operation, Maintenance & Repair of ACR / OCR's For PBS employees NBT008
০৯ Operation, Maintenance & Repair of Transformers For PBS employees
১০ Operation, Maintenance & Repair of Voltage Regulators For PBS employees
১১ Operation & Maintenance of Generator NBT011
১২ Distribution Line Staking NBT012
১৩ Ensuring Proper Permanent & Temporary grounding for Secure life while work in PBS distribution Line & Equipments NBT013
১৪ Trouble Shooting & Different Setting of Electrical Equipments use in PBS Substation & Distribution Line NBT014
১৫ Billing Procedure  and Consumer Account NBT015
১৬ Imprest Fund and Collection Procedure NBT016
১৭ Basic Training on Meter Reading Procedure NBT017
১৮ Basic Tarining on Electricity Bill Distribution and Collection NBT018
১৯ Operation Maintenance & Repair of Circuit Breaker with Relay & Protective System of 33KV Switching Station NBT019
২০ HT & LT Metering with CT/PT And Checking of Proper Connectivity NBT020